Every time I wash my hair, I have to blow dry and straighten it. I have been doing this since…
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Dinner Time Questions to Get Kids Talking
During the week, I’m lucky to get home at 6:30. Usually it is sometime between that and 7pm. My husband gets home…
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Only Child Day
“Hudson, be quiet your sister is sleeping!” “Hudson, I can’t help you I’m nursing your sister.” “Hudson, don’t pick her…
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Back to Work Blues
Well that went by quick. A full week off with my hubby & sweet kids. I can say we definitely…
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The Most Amazing Bathing Suit EVER
I am not a fashion-y person. Not even close. I suck at fashion. I never know what is ‘in’ or…
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Always A Bridesmaid…
I got such a beautiful surprise in the mail, I wanted to share it! A dear friend…
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What’s wrong with the ‘Ban Bossy’ campaign?
Why are people so angry about the ‘Ban Bossy‘ campaign? Facebook’s CEO Sheryl Sandberg, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice…
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Free Fun
I am ALWAYS looking for fun stuff to do with the kids. (aren’t we all) Because of their ages, my…
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Facebook Finds
As I was selecting pictures for my post about Mila’s first birthday party, I couldn’t help thinking about how adorable…
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I'm a sucker
My husband teases me all the time, “Man, our kids really know how to scam you.” or “You are such…
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