As I look for ways to detoxify my routine and use fewer chemicals in my home, essential oils have slowly been making their way into my daily routine. At first I started using them in a diffuser, instead of candles. (many of which are full of toxic chemicals and fragrances) I have recently stepped up my oily game and started using them in so many new ways, with the help of my friend, Kristen. (she’s @well.balanced.home on IG) We met through Elevate the Globe since we both took part in their Rise Up course and I am so thankful we did.
She is the sweetest and knows SO MUCH about essential oils. She has a beautiful family and is the momma of two sweet boys, so she knows that quick and convenient is a MUST. Kristen is always sharing recipes and easy ways to incorporate oils into your daily routine and tips to swap out harsh cleaning products for non-toxic options. I just think she is the best so I begged her to write a guest post since she is way better at explaining oils than me. I really think everyone should look into essential oils and the thousands of different ways they can improve your daily life! Take it away Kristen!
Hi!! I am SO excited to be here collaborating with Lauren! We became IG friends sometime last year after bonding over our love for Kundalini Yoga and Essential Oils! Finding other Mamas on similar paths is my fave part of IG, as well as finding new blogs to check out! I have a wellness business with Young Living, and it is my passion to educate others about the power of oils and plant based, non-toxic products that not only smell amazing but truly work! We decided it was time- after Lauren grabbed a stunning kit of Young Living Oils and her gorgeous Aria diffuser to come together on a blog post all about oils for the Fall and upcoming Winter seasons! Lauren wanted to know all.the.things to do with her oils in the Fall to support her family’s wellness and she knew you guys would want to know, too! So here we are! 🙂
First off, what exactly what are essential oils?
They are the lifeblood aka the most powerful part of plants- distilled from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, rinds, herbs, you get the idea, all things natural and organic and here on Earth since the beginning of time. We know that essential oils can provide support for every system in the body– your skeletal system, muscular system, circulatory system, endocrine system (hello Mama hormone support!), respiratory system, and immune system. With 1 little guy in pre-k and 1 still at home with me, I am so thankful for these oils to support their wellness this Fall and Winter, just as I used them last year when my oldest went to school for the first time- I was blown away with how well they worked to keep us healthy last year!
I love using our oils to support our emotions, diffusing them in my home, swapping them out depending on our needs at the moment… freshening and purifying the air while I clean (thereby ditching candles and plug-ins that emit some pretty nasty toxins), energizing me in the morning while I start our day, stress relief during a tough day with 2 active little boys (the stress away oil is LIFE!), sleep encouragement for all of us 😉 to name a few…
OK, so how do you use them exactly?
Young Living Oils can be used in 3 ways: Topically, Aromatically, and Internally (vitality oils). For topical use, apply directly to your skin, or use a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil to dilute the oil before applying to your skin. All YL oils have labels on the side so you know exactly how to use them and whether or not you should dilute them. This time of year, I swear by our immune support rollers. Below is the recipe for adults if you want to craft a roller! (*For kids ages 3- 8 try this recipe: 5 drops Purification, 5 drops Thieves, 3 drops Lemon, 3 drops Frankincense, 1 drop Oregano, top with carrier oil in a 10ml glass roller bottle)
Aside from topical application, there is the amazing option of diffusing your oils! Aromatically is the second way that YL oils can be used. This is a quick way to fill your home with amazing smells and boost your mood and health! We have diffusers in almost every room and run them every single day! I could go into the science of how scent hits our limbic brain (aka our primal brain where emotions are processed) but let’s just say I feel an instant shift in my mood when I choose oils to diffuse based on the season or situation. Here are some fun Fall diffuser recipes!
The third and final way that Young Living Oils can be used is internally with their Vitality line of oils. You can put them in honey and mix into tea, add to a veggie capsule and top with carrier oil and swallow like a pill, place a couple of drops under your tongue, flavor your water (I love doing this with lemon or peppermint vitality oils!), lots of options!
There is really so much to say, and far beyond oils we have so many other wellness supporting products from supplements (I swear by the YL probiotics for our family’s overall wellness!) to the famous Thieves Household Cleaner- which smells like Cinnamon and Christmas and is supporting a healthy immune system every time you use it- plus works to clean every surface of your home, floors to glass and counters, safely!
We didn’t even touch on all the fun gifts and Fall DIYS you can make from Snickerdoodle body scrub or body butter, room sprays, homemade coffee creamer with the vitality oils, the options are endless and it is SO fun sharing about all the ways get oily!
We have a Facebook Community called Get Oily, and I would love to have you join us and ask all of your questions and learn from our classes and content over there! This group is open to anyone who hasn’t signed up with Young Living yet! Or, find me on Instagram @well.balanced.home and send me a DM with your questions! If you decide you are ready to jump in with a Premium Starter Kit like Lauren did- which comes with 11 everyday oils + your choice of diffuser to begin your journey, here is a link to join Lauren (and me!) and we will send you a little welcome package with some fun surprises for her readers and a beautiful welcome guide via snail mail! Plus, we will get you all plugged into our members-only community so you will know exactly how to use everything and begin, and I am always here for all of your questions!
I hope this was a quick and easy rundown to show you simple ways to use oils this Fall and Winter. If you want to learn more, let us know what you want to see! Thanks for taking your time to check this all out, and Happy Fall!!
I LOVE essential oils, but I’ve never really mixed them. These are such great tips – I’ll give them a try!
Essential oils are amazing and powerful, and thats why being educated about the appropriate use is so important.
I don’t know a lot about essential oils but I’m definitely interested in them. Asking for a diffuser for Christmas!:)
I love essential oil! There are some great tips here, I will definitely give them a try 🙂
I love to use essential oils for relaxing and perfumes. My favorite mixture from these has to be the Flannel Shirts.
I recently started using lavender oil to help me relax and loosen tight muscles. I always get a restful sleep whenever I use it. Will be exploring more essential oils for sure.
I love essential oils, I have been using lavender for a while now but ran out so I guess I will be restocking to try out your recipes.
I love using essential oils in my home. I’ve never tried creating recipes for seasonal scents but I’m definitely going to now. Can’t wait for my home to smell like Flannel Shirts or Pumpkin Spice.
Thank you for this. I just started using oils.
I joined Young Living a few years ago and I love their oils. I have been using the Fitness oil lately and the smell makes me feel like I am already in the yoga studio!
I need to check out the fitness blend, I havent heard of that one! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I have been using the Fitness oil lately and the smell makes me feel like I am already in the yoga studio. I’ve never tried creating recipes for seasonal scents but I’m definitely going to now. Can’t wait for my home to smell like Flannel Shirts or Pumpkin Spice. I love essential oil! There are some great tips here, I will definitely give them a try.